Outstanding Recent Contribution Award

2023: Ana Villareal, Boston University, “The Logistics of Fear: Violence and the Stratifying Power of Emotion.” Emotions & Society, 4(3): 290-306. 2022.

2022: Amanda M. Gengler, Wake Forest University, “Save My Kid”: How Families of Critically Ill Children Cope, Hope, and Negotiate an Unequal Healthcare System. New York University Press. 2020.

2021: Natasha Warikoo, "Addressing Emotional Health While Protecting Status: Asian American and White Parents in Suburban America," American Journal of Sociology 126(3):545-576.

2020: James M. Jasper, The Emotions of Protest. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. 2018.

2019: Kari Marie Norgaard and Ron Reed, "Emotional Impacts of Environmental Decline: What Can Native Cosmologies Teach Sociology About Emotions and Environmental Justice," Theory and Society 46(6):463-495.

2018: Timothy Recuber, Consuming Catastrophe: Mass Culture in America's Decade of Disaster. Temple University Press. 2016.

2017: Chana Teeger, “Both Sides of the Story” History Education in Post-Apartheid South Africa," American Sociological Review 80(6):1175-1200. 2015.

2016: Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman, The Color of Love: Racial Features, Stigma, and Socializationi in Black Brazilian Families. University of Texas Press. 2015.

2015: Seth Abrutyn and Anna S. Mueller, “The Socioemotional Foundations of Suicide: A Microsociological View of Durkheim’s Suicide,” Sociological Theory 32(4):327-351. 2014.

2014: Eva Illouz, Hebrew University, Why Love Hurts: A Sociological Explanation. Polity. 2013.

2013: Kathryn J. Lively, Lala Steelman, and Brian Powell, “Equity, Emotion, and the Household Division of Labor,” Social Psychology Quarterly 73(4):358-379. 2010.

2012: Clare Stacey, Kent State University, The Caring Self: The Work Experiences of Home Care Aides. Cornell University Press. 2011.

2011: Jennifer Lois, Western Washington University, “The Temporal Emotion Work of Motherhood: Homeschoolers’ Strategies for Managing Time Shortage," Gender and Society 24(4):421-446. 2010.

2010: Jody Clay-Warner and Dawn T. Robinson, University of Georgia, Athens

2009: Alison Bianchi and Donna Lancianese, University of Iowa, “Accentuate the Positive: Positive Sentiments and Status in Task Groups.” Social Psychology Quarterly 70:1:7-26. 2007.

2008: Jan E. Stets and Jonathan H. Turner, University of California, Riverside

2007: Robin W. Simon, Florida State University, and Leda E. Nath, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, “Gender and Emotion in the United States: Do Men and Women Differ in Self-Reports of Feelings and Expressive Behavior," American Journal of Sociology 109(5):1137-1176. 2004.

2006: Jennifer Lois, Western Washington University, Heroic Efforts

2005: Kathryn Lively and David Heise, “Sociological Realms of Emotional Experience," American Journal of Sociology 109(5):1109-1136. 2004.

2004: Randall Collins, University of Pennsylvania, Interaction Ritual Chains 

2003: Rebecca J. Erickson, The University of Akron, and Christian Ritter, Kent State University, “Emotional Labor, Burnout, and Inauthenticity: Does Gender Matter?” Social Psychology Quarterly 64(2):146-163. 2001.

2002: Jonathan H. Turner, University of California, Riverside

2001: Guobin Young, University of Hawaii

2000: Candace Clark, Montclair State University

The Sociology of Emotions Section Outstanding Recent Contribution Award is given to an article published in the last year that advances the sociology of emotions empirically, theoretically, or methodologically.